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💎Timeless Luxury in Wall Decor

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Common queries answered

Frequently asked Questions

It usually takes anywhere from 5 days to 12 days to reach your order from the day of you ordered.

We accept returns in exchange of the ordered product in case it is delivered wrong or damaged. For a successful return you need to share an unboxing video of the delivered product and report it within 24 hours of delivery.

Check our Returns & Exchange Policy from here:

You can contact us on WhatsApp/ Email/ Chat with us directly for any support related to your order while your order is under process and not dispatched.

Please visit the below mentioned link to track your order.

You can reach us directly on Chat, Call or WhatsApp :


Please inform us before the order is dispatched so that we may change and rectify that timely. You can contact us on WhatsApp, Email or Chat.

We provide worldwide shipping. We provide pan India #FREE Shipping. Shipping outside India is Chargeable as per Invoice from our courier partners or you can arrange a pickup for out of India delivery.

Yes, your each item will come in one package. Though if you ordered multiple products, it’ll be done as per best procedure according to the respective masterpiece.

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Crafting Masterpieces: Journey from Raw Materials to Timeless Art

Step into the mesmerizing world of artistic creation as we unveil the meticulous process behind each masterpiece. Our artisans pour passion into every detail, transforming raw materials into awe-inspiring works of art. Join us on this enchanting carousel showcasing the evolution of craftsmanship – where creativity meets skill, and art comes to life. Witness the magic unfold, from the initial stroke to the final flourish, in a symphony of colors and textures. This is the art of creation, captured in every turn. Welcome to the behind-the-scenes journey of crafting timeless wonders.